Update Firmware | Manually | D-Link | Router



D-Link DIR-868L - DD

Connect your computer to your router with an Ethernet cable. · Enter username and password as required. · Go to Administration -> Firmware Upgrade.

D-Link DIR

Firmware installation steps: 1. Download the latest firmware for your router. 2. Once you've downloaded the firmware, open a web browser such as ...

DIR-868L - D

如何手動更新無線路由器韌體? 無線分享器線上自動更新韌體說明; 如何查看設備目前使用的韌體版本? DIR-868L(H/W:A版) 如何手動更新韌體? 如何確認所在環境的上網類型 ...

DIR-868L - D-Link

How do I set up and secure my wireless signal on my router? How do I set up Website Filtering on my router? How do I upgrade the firmware on my router? How many ...


詳細設定步驟請參考安裝手冊。 此範例示範機種. 路由器型號:DIR-880L,硬體版本:A1,韌體版本:1.01. <此以DIR-880L為範例,畫面皆適用於DIR-868L(硬體版本H/W:B1)、890L>.

Dlink Dir

This page lists versions of Dlink » Dir-868l Firmware which were included in CVE and/or CPE data. Please note that this list is not exhaustive, there may be ...

Downloads for D-LINK DIR868L

Latest AdvancedTomato firmware releases and downloads for D-LINK DIR868L.

How do I upgrade the firmware on my DIR-868L router? | D

How to upgrade the firmware? Step 1: Download the latest firmware for your DIR Series router at http://www.dlink.com. Step 2: Once you´ve downloaded the ...

Q:DIR-868L(HW:A版) 如何手動更新韌體? - D

Q:DIR-868L(H/W:A版) 如何手動更新韌體? · 1.請開啓電腦的網際網路瀏覽器,並於網址輸入「」進入路由器設定頁面, · 2.請點選「系統管理」→「韌體更新」。 · 3.請 ...

Wireless AC1750 Dual Band Gigabit Router DIR-868L - D

Flawless HD video streaming, faster gaming, and lag-free Skype and Facetime calls, all with less Wi-Fi interference for smooth, lightning- fast performance.


ConnectyourcomputertoyourrouterwithanEthernetcable.·Enterusernameandpasswordasrequired.·GotoAdministration->FirmwareUpgrade.,Firmwareinstallationsteps:1.Downloadthelatestfirmwareforyourrouter.2.Onceyou'vedownloadedthefirmware,openawebbrowsersuchas ...,如何手動更新無線路由器韌體?無線分享器線上自動更新韌體說明;如何查看設備目前使用的韌體版本?DIR-868L(H/W:A版)如何手動更新韌體?如何確認所在環境...